1:51:04  PM

Online Alarm Clock

Sat - 15 March 2025

How to use the online alarm clock

Set the hour and minute for the online alarm clock. Once you set the hour and minute for the online alarm clock, the alarm message will appear, and the preselected sound will play at the set time. You can also click the 'Test' button to preview the alert and check the sound volume.

You can customize the alarm clock's appearance, including text color, type, and size, and these settings will be saved for the next time you open your web browser.

The online alarm clock won't work if you close your browser or shut down your computer, but it can work without an internet connection. This free online alarm clock will reliably wake you up.

You can add links to online alarm clocks with different time settings to your browser's Favorites. Opening one of these links will automatically set the alarm clock to the predefined time.